Thursday, August 29, 2013

My research

5 sources for current web design best practices and trends

keep you website short, but not to short it turns of  viewers.
Good navigation to the website
Use appropriate color in the website, don't have the rainbow.
Make sure spelling and grammar are used correctly.
keep you links current /up to date.

Nice on the eyes
easy to navigate
Effective use of every title bar there
don't force people to download things
use white spaces

 Provide a way for users to skip repetitive content.
use heading elements
use color with care
give links unique names
use "go" or "submit" buttons

define you audience
make it look good
be media-friendly
domain name is important
offer easy searchable contents

need to have a web page
flash navigation menu
use of image and insert text
select the right keyboards
use search engine URL friendly

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