Tuesday, September 3, 2013

goal of website

the goal of my website is to help people going in to the pharmacy flied to understand the classes need to take in college how many year they need to stay in school. what they need to score in order to get to pharmacy school. also show them places to volunteer in order to experience their career choice.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

fav site/findings of websites


  How I compare this website to my research is that Facebook is a URL-friendly website
has many white spaces and use the color usage correctly. Also it isn't short or too long its just right.
what i would change about Facebook is that sometimes on you notification you get things that are stupid like playing a game which you sometimes have to download and in my research force downloading is a turn off to users.
why I keeping going back to Facebook and cant stop using it is that it is a social network and allows you to see thing going around with your friend that no long live with you.It also allows you to communicate with people from different sides of the world.. Also it is a social media where people can be discovered, for example model can be by the posting  of pictures.

Good website designing


bad web designing 

My research

5 sources for current web design best practices and trends

keep you website short, but not to short it turns of  viewers.
Good navigation to the website
Use appropriate color in the website, don't have the rainbow.
Make sure spelling and grammar are used correctly.
keep you links current /up to date.

Nice on the eyes
easy to navigate
Effective use of every title bar there
don't force people to download things
use white spaces

 Provide a way for users to skip repetitive content.
use heading elements
use color with care
give links unique names
use "go" or "submit" buttons

define you audience
make it look good
be media-friendly
domain name is important
offer easy searchable contents

need to have a web page
flash navigation menu
use of image and insert text
select the right keyboards
use search engine URL friendly

Tuesday, August 27, 2013






Friday, August 23, 2013


fav about photoshop

My favorite thing about this class is learn to use photo shop. and also being able to use photo shop for animation. also being in this class allowed us to work but, work on thing that interested us.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

video feedback

Watching both the video the one i found to be more helpful was Ted's because he gave evidence like telling things that occurred in history of the past thinks.Also his video was longer and had a physical person talking.The only interesting thing about  Steve's video was the illustration and u get lost in it...it had distractions. Watching Teds video was more effective it was longer and said many ideas and where they came from and also had picture at a certain time, he didn't over do it  

Friday, August 16, 2013

CD albam

Our group likes this CD cover because it is unique. and it was the one to all three of our liking.



Insane the band

Band Name: Insane
Amount of people: three boys
Names: ty,luke,camreon
teens are in love with them.
style of clothing:pop modern